Recruiting & Retention


When People Matter, Companies THRIVE!

While building a create culture and having a solid HR practice are key to your long-term success, it all starts with being able to attract the best talent. PEOPLEfirst has the experience to help you find - and retain and grow - the right people to your organization.

Talent Acquisition Consulting

Our holistic practice begins with reviewing or developing a comprehensive job description. Beyond just "checking the boxes", our team will ask the insightful questions to help you and your hiring managers to fully think through what the ideal candidate would look like while balancing that with a practical eye towards finding enough candidates to provide you with a real choice.

The goal is to craft a job description that provides everyone - you and your candidates - with as complete a picture as possible about what skills, experience and knowledge are best suited for both the role and your company.  Using that as our foundation, PEOPLEfirst can then begin the process of sourcing the best candidates available.

A group of happy business people are taking a selfie together.

Elite Candidate Experience

Our unwavering commitment is to provide you with top candidates while setting you apart from the other companies that are competing for the same talent.

Our approach is rooted in the belief that the key to attracting and retaining top talent is by making them feel valued and appreciated every step of the way. Whether it's through personalized communication, timely feedback, or a seamless application process, we are focused on making the candidate experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible for everyone involved.

Comprehensive Onboarding

At PEOPLEfirst, we believe that hiring world-class talent is only half the job; the other half is ensuring that new hires are properly onboarded, which is where we can assist you with an onboarding program that caters to the needs of your new talent, resulting in a quicker ramp-up period, higher levels of productivity, and better retention rates.

We can help you craft this world-class onboarding program which will include everything from a detailed orientation to personalized training sessions. We also ensure that your new hires are familiar with your organization's goals, values, and culture which helps them to integrate into your team seamlessly and start contributing to your mission from day one.

Having an onboarding program is an essential part of any successful talent management strategy. Working with us, you can be sure that your new hires are properly equipped to have a long and productive career.

Find Out More

Contact us to explore how we can help you build a high-performing team.
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